About Us


The Nigeria Immunology and Infection Network (NiiN) an initiative of the Medical Biotechnology Department, National Biotechnology Development Agency was created consequent upon approval by the National Council on Science and Technology in 2017 and 2018 with the aim of expanding and strengthening immunology research and vaccine development in Nigeria. This network will bridge the gap in collaborative research and exchange of ideas and expertise among the academia, industry and clinical institutions spread all over the country.The VIIN brings together researchers and scientist from diverse disciplines across various nodes within Nigeria who have an interest in infectious disease, vaccine and immunology.

With over a hundred initial members (individuals and organisations) spanning across Nigeria’s major Universities and research organizations, NiiN provides networking and development opportunities to researchers, students, care providers, scientists, Pharma and associated industries as well as hosting regular conferences,meetings, symposia, career mentorship and business linkages. The Nigeria Immunology Network helps foster the development of science and technology in the Nigerian health sector through midwifing new collaborations, training, strengthening research performance and capabilities in various immunology disease related areas.


Develop a strong skill-based network of Nigerian Immunologists and translateinnovative research efforts in emerging diseases, vaccine development and molecular diagnostic kits into practical outcomes with strong industrial and clinical linkagesgeared towards improving quality of lives and further socio-economic growth of Nigeria.